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* Fangxu Xing presented his paper "Estimating 3D tongue motion with MR images" at the Forty-Sixth Asiolomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers in Monterey CA
* Fangxu Xing presented his paper "Estimating 3D tongue motion with MR images" at the Forty-Sixth Asiolomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers in Monterey CA

Revision as of 15:54, 11 March 2013



  • Fangxu Xing presented his paper "Estimating 3D tongue motion with MR images" at the Forty-Sixth Asiolomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers in Monterey CA


  • Bruno Jedynak presented his work "A time-change method for computing an Alzheimer's disease progression score" at the

MICCAI Workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (NIBAD'12)


  • Three IACL members presented papers at ISBI 2012 in Barcelona Spain
    • Sahar Soleimanifard presented "Vessel centerline tracking and boundary segmentation in coronary MRA with minimal manual interaction"
    • Zhen Yang presented her paper "Automatic sulcal curve extraction with MRI based shape prior"
    • Chuyang Ye presented his work "Fully automated segmentation of the dentate nucleus using diffusion weighted images"


  • IACL members gave several presentations at SPIE Medical Imaging in San Diego
    • Fangxu Xing presented "Finding seeds for segmentation using statistical fusion"
    • Junhoon Lee presented "Incorporation of prior knowledge for region of change imaging from sparse scan data in image-guided surgery"
    • Jonghye Woo presented "Super-resolution reconstruction for tongue MR images"
    • Zhen Yang presented "Simultaneous cortical surface labeling and sulcal curve extraction"
    • Chuyang Ye presented "Labeling of the cerebellar peduncles using a supervised Gaussian classifier with volumetric tract segmentation"


  • Two IACL members attended the Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis in Breckenridge, Colorado
    • Xinyang Liu presented "Topology preserving brain tissue segmentation using graph cuts"
    • Chuyang Ye presented "A fiber tracking method guided by volumetric tract segmentation"