
Revision as of 16:51, 11 March 2013 by Aaron (talk | contribs) (Bolded titles.)
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  • Fangxu Xing presented his paper "Estimating 3D tongue motion with MR images" at the Forty-Sixth Asiolomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers in Monterey CA
  • Jerry Prince gave the William B. Kouwenhoven Memorial Lecture entitled "24 Years of Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Johns Hopkins". He was invited by Jin Kang, Chair of ECE, and introduced by Russell H. Taylor.


  • Bruno Jedynak presented his work "A time-change method for computing an Alzheimer's disease progression score" at the MICCAI Workshop on Novel Imaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (NIBAD'12)
  • Jerry Prince won the "Enduring Impact Award" for 2012 from the MICCAI Society. The award was presented at the MICCAI conference in Nice, France.


  • Three IACL members presented papers at ISBI 2012 in Barcelona Spain
    • Sahar Soleimanifard presented "Vessel centerline tracking and boundary segmentation in coronary MRA with minimal manual interaction"
    • Zhen Yang presented her paper "Automatic sulcal curve extraction with MRI based shape prior"
    • Chuyang Ye presented his work "Fully automated segmentation of the dentate nucleus using diffusion weighted images"


  • IACL members gave several presentations at SPIE Medical Imaging in San Diego
    • Fangxu Xing presented "Finding seeds for segmentation using statistical fusion"
    • Junhoon Lee presented "Incorporation of prior knowledge for region of change imaging from sparse scan data in image-guided surgery"
    • Jonghye Woo presented "Super-resolution reconstruction for tongue MR images"
    • Zhen Yang presented "Simultaneous cortical surface labeling and sulcal curve extraction"
    • Chuyang Ye presented "Labeling of the cerebellar peduncles using a supervised Gaussian classifier with volumetric tract segmentation"


  • Two IACL members attended the Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis in Breckenridge, Colorado
    • Xinyang Liu presented "Topology preserving brain tissue segmentation using graph cuts"
    • Chuyang Ye presented "A fiber tracking method guided by volumetric tract segmentation"