(Coregistration, Adjustment, and Tensor-solving, a Nicely Automated Program)
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CATNAP Batch Processing
CATNAP does have an option to "batch process" several subjects.� You essentially line up all the commands for N subjects, then catnap runs through them 1 by 1, from 1 to N.
Here are the steps.
1) Load the data into CATNAP for subject 1, select the options for the gradient table and tensor calculation steps, but don't start anything.�
When everything is ready to go, hit the button called "select m-file".�
You will need to enter a name for the file. I like to use runme20070817.m so that I know the date that I ran the command.
2) Now hit "generate processing script".� This will add the the commands from the GUI to the runem20070817.m file.
OK, now if you wanted to run the ONE subject, you could hit the "run script" button and CATNAP will run through the 3 steps (coregistration, gradient table and tensor calculations).
3)� However, if you want to "batch process" more than 1 subject, you need to:� Hit the "clear all files" button on the top right.� Then enter the new files for subject 2, then select the appropriate info for the gradient table and tensor steps, then hit "generate processing script".�
This will APPEND your commands for subject 2 to the runme20070817.m script.
Now if you hit "run script" it will process subject 1, and when it is done, it will process subject 2.� You can load up as many subjects as you want (reasonable limit is 3 or 4, just in case the system crashes you don't want to loose too much).
Try it out with 2 subjects to make sure it works for you.� Several groups use this feature, but it can be a little tricky the first time through.
- Jon
Last Updated: Tuesday May 27, 2008
� Copyright 2007, Bennett Landman. All rights reserved.