4th International conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. June 7-12, 1998, Montreal, Quebec, Canada http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/hbm98/ Call for papers (reminder: Abstract Deadline is January 31, 1998) FOCUS: The conference will focus on the study of human functional neuroanatomy in normal and pathological states using state-of-the-art brain scanning technologies (PET, fMRI, SPECT, EEG, MEG, optical imaging). The meeting is aimed at basic neuroscientists, information scientists and physicians interested in the application of brain `mapping' techniques. All abstract submissions (deadline January 31, 1998) will be for presentation in poster format. The Scientific Committee may select certain papers for oral as well as poster presentation. PROGRAM TOPICS: Sessions will be organized according to the following themes: 1. Functional neuroanatomy: e.g. motor and sensory systems, memory, language, normal aging and development, anatomy. 2. Methods: e.g. data acquisition, experimental design, modelling, statistics, spatial normalization, atlases. 3. Brain Disorders and Clinical Applications: e.g. developmental, psychiatric or neurological disorders, functional recovery, neurosurgical guidance. STRUCTURE: The program will consist of plenary sessions, poster sessions and technical demonstrations. BRAIN MAPPING COURSE (June 7-8, 1998): This two-day course will provide an overview of the current techniques for brain mapping: Positron Emission Tomography (PET), functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Besides the basic principles, data analysis and the experimental design as they pertain to each of the techniques, a special effort will be made to highlight advantages of integrating different techniques (e.g fMRI with EEG, TMS with PET and/or EEG), and designing suitable paradigms for each purpose. The attendees will be provided with lecture notes. Sunday, June 7 (08:00-12:00) Analysis of data acquired with each of the above techniques and/or their combination (four 40 minute lectures). Sunday, June 7 (13:00-17:00) Basic principles of PET, fMRI, EEG/MEG and TMS (four 40 minute lectures). Monday, June 8 (08:00-12:00) Experimental design as it applies to each of the techniques and/or their combination (four 40 minute lectures). Important dates: January 31, 1998 : Abstract submission deadline (postmark) March 1, 1998 : Early registration deadline April 1, 1998 : Notification of abstract decisions May 1, 1998 : Deadline for guaranteed accommodation June 1, 1998 : Commencement of on-site registration fee June 7-8, 1998 : Brain Mapping Course June 8, 1998 : Conference opens June 12, 1998 : Conference closes CONFERENCE ADDRESSES Please address all correspondence to: HBM98 Secretariat Conference Office McGill University 550 Sherbrooke Street West West Tower, Suite 490 Montreal QC Canada H3A 1B9 Telephone: (514) 398-3770 Fax: (514) 398-4854 Email: HBM98@ums1.lan.mcgill.ca WWW: http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/hbm98/ All Conference sessions will take place at: The Palais des congr�s de Montr�al 201 Viger Avenue West Montreal QC Canada H2Z 1X7 Telephone: (514) 871-8122 Toll-free: 1-800-268-8122 Fax: (514) 871-9389 WWW: http://www.congresmtl.com/ For further assistance regarding accommodation or tourist information, contact: The Greater Montreal Tourism and Convention Bureau 1555 Peel Street, Room 600 Montreal QC Canada H3A 3L8 Telephone: (514) 844-5400 Fax: (514) 844-5757 Email: pipon.stephane@octgm.cum.qc.ca WWW: http://www.tourism-montreal.org/ HBM98 LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Alan Evans -- Chairman Cathy Bushnell Alain Dagher Gary Duncan Jean Gotman Ravi Menon Ernst Meyer Brenda Milner Tomas Paus -- Proceedings Terry Peters Michael Petrides Bruce Pike David Reutens Keith Worsley Robert Zatorre David Kennedy (ex-officio) Lars Friberg (ex-officio) Rudiger Seitz (ex-officio)