
Revision as of 01:36, 17 December 2009 by John (talk | contribs) (added some research projects)
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Research Projects

JIST - Java Imaging Science Toolkit

  • JIST is a Java-based toolkit analogous to the ITK/VTK paradigm. Included is a graphical interface for building processing pipelines, command-line interfacing, and MIPAV-integrated plugins. A large number of modules are provided that perform a wide-variety of image processing and data analysis tasks.

CATNAP (Coregistration, Adjustment, and Tensor-solving – a Nicely Automated Program)

  • JIST-CATNAP is an end-to-end diffusion processing pipeline that improves upon the original MATLAB-dependent CATNAP software. The new JIST-integrated software provides a modular framework allowing users to tailor the processing to their specific needs. Camino and Fiber tracking are included. The results are readily compatible with DTIStudio, FSL, VTK, among other common analysis/visualization packages.

WebMILL labeling project

  • WebMILL is a web-based interface in which users label anatomy on medical images in a game-like environment. There are lots of great tutorials to help you learn about the images you see and slick painting tools. CURRENTLY ONLY AVAILABLE TO JHU AFFILIATES.

Statistical Label Fusion

  • Details to come.

Cortical Connectivity

  • Details to come.