The human cortical surface is a highly complex,
folded structure. Sulci, the spaces between the folds,
define location on the cortex and provide a parcellation
into anatomically distinct areas. A topic that has
recently received increased attention is the segmentation
of these sulci from magnetic resonance images,
with most work focusing on extracting either the sulcal
spaces between the folds or curve representations
of sulci. Unlike these methods, we propose a technique
that extracts actual regions of the cortical surface that
surround sulci, which we call "sulcal regions." The
method is based on a watershed algorithm applied to a
geodesic depth measure on the cortical surface. A
well-known problem with the watershed algorithm is
a tendency toward over segmentation, meaning that a
single region is segmented as several pieces. To address
this problem, we propose a post processing algorithm
that merges appropriate segments from the watershed
algorithm. The sulcal regions are then
manually labeled by simply selecting the appropriate
regions with a mouse click and a preliminary study of
sulcal depth is reported. Finally, a scheme is presented
for computing a complete parcellation of the
cortical surface.
Quantitative anatomic studies of the human cortex
are challenging due to its highly complex, convoluted
folding pattern. The various folds, called gyri, and the
spaces between the folds, called sulci, define location
on the cortex and provide a parcellation of the cortex
into anatomically distinct areas. With the advancement
of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques,
high-resolution, high-contrast three-dimensional images
of the brain can now be routinely acquired in vivo.
As a result, methods for modeling the cortical surface from
these images have emerged, providing a means
for furthering the understanding of morphometric variability
in human populations. A topic that has recently
received increased attention is the study of sulci, in
particular, their segmentation from MR images.
Previous work in the segmentation of sulci has focused
on fitting a surface, finding a set of
points, or extracting volumetric regions within sulcal spaces.
Other work has focused on
extracting curve representations of the sulci. Unlike these
methods, we propose a technique that segments the
actual cortical regions surrounding sulci. The advantage
of segmenting actual cortical regions is that it
allows for a direct geometric study of the cortical surface
and provides a means for mapping functional activation
sites. For ease of terminology, we refer to our
segmented regions as sulcal regions, which define the
buried regions of cortex surrounding the sulcal spaces.
Another advantage of the proposed method is that it
segments sulcal regions on the medial surface as well
as the lateral and inferior surfaces. In addition, this
segmentation method is completely automated and can
be used as a visualization tool for manual labeling of
individual sulcal regions.
A cortical surface is extracted from volumetric MR data using
and the surface is mapped to the sphere for computational and
visualization purposes. A typical surface and its spherical map
(displaying mean curvature) is shown below.
Sulcal regions are "buried cortices" as shown below
Watershed segmentation proceeds by computationally immersing the underside of the cortex into
a water bath as illustrated below
To accomplish this, the hemispheres are first separated and then a deformable surface "shrinkwrap"
algorithm is run on each hemisphere, thereby defining the outer surface of each hemisphere.
All nodes of the triangle mesh representing a cortex that are touching the shrinkwrap
surface are deemed to be "gyral regions." Two distance maps are computed: a 3D Euclidean map and a
geodesic distance map. The geodesic map is computed using a fast marching algorithm run on the triangle
mesh. All nodes greater (Euclidean distance) from the gyral regions are considered to be sulcal regions.
A Euclidean distance map and a sulcal segmentation are shown below:
A geodesic map is shown below:
A 2D watershed algorithm is then run on the sulcal regions that were previously
segmented, yielding finer regions, as shown below:
This result is an "over segmentation" - very typical of watershed algorithms - and therefore
a merging of catchment basins operation is done, yielding the result below:
Over 1,000 brains have been processed using this algorithm, which is fully automatic.
A typical result is shown in cross sections below:
A measure of average geodesic depth in the Central, Sylvian, and Superior Temporal Sulci
was computed for 15 subjects, and is given below:
Geodesic Depth in Milimeters (N = 15)
Sulcus | Mean | SD | Max | Min |
Ce (L) | 20.5 | 2.27 | 24.5 | 16.1 |
Ce (R) | 20.1 | 1.20 | 22.0 | 18.1 |
Syl (L) | 40.8 | 2.71 | 45.0 | 36.7 |
Syl (R) | 39.3 | 2.89 | 46.2 | 35.7 |
ST (L) | 19.1 | 1.57 | 22.1 | 16.4 |
ST (R) | 21.2 | 2.64 | 25.6 | 16.0 |
Watershed segmentation of sulcal regions can be used for automatic identification
of sulcal regions in the analysis of changes due to aging and disease or for the
automatic generation of cortical landmarks for applications such as intersubject
registration. These methods have been used to analyze changes in cortical
thickness and shape in (Rettmann et al., 2006).
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- M. E. Rettmann, X. Han, J. L. Prince, "Automated Parcellation of
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- M. E. Rettmann, J. L. Prince, and S. M. Resnick. "Analysis of
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- D. Tosun, M. E. Rettmann, and J. L. Prince, "Mapping Techniques
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- D. Tosun, M.E. Rettmann, and J. L. Prince, "Mapping Techniques
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- M.E. Rettmann, D. Tosun, X. Tao, S.M. Resnick, and J.L. Prince,
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- M.E. Rettmann, D. Tosun , X. Tao, S.M. Resnick, and J.L. Prince,
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