S. Roy, A. Carass, J. Pacheco, M. Bilgel, S.M. Resnick, J.L. Prince, and D.L. Pham, "Temporal filtering of longitudinal brain magnetic resonance images for consistent segmentation", NeuroImage: Clinical, 11:264-275, 2016, (doi)
B. Ibragimov, J.L. Prince, E.Z. Murano, J. Woo, M. Stone, B. Likar, F. Pernuš, and T. Vrtovec, "Segmentation of tongue muscles from super-resolution magnetic resonance images", Medical Image Analysis, 20(1):198-207, 2015. (doi)
Drs. Yang, Xing, and Jog celebrate receiving their PhDs with Jerry L. Prince.
Dr. Andrew Lang presented his poster "Automated segmentation of macular SD-OCT scans of retinitis pigmentosa patients shows regional patterns of foveal inner retinal thickening that correlate with visual function" at ARVO 2015 in Denver, Colorado.