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Jerry L. Prince: Journal Publications
- K. Rocha, A. Yezzi, and J.L. Prince, "A Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach for Thickness, Correspondence, and Gridding of Annular Tissues", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 16(3):636-648, March 2007. (doi)
- S. Sampath and J.L. Prince, "Automatic 3D Tracking of Cardiac Material Markers Using Slice-Following and Harmonic Phase MRI", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25(2):197-208, February 2007. (doi)
- V. Parthasarathy, J.L. Prince, M. Stone, E. Murano, and M. NessAiver, "Measuring tongue motion from tagged Cine-MRI using harmonic phase (HARP) processing", Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 121(1):491-504, 2007. (PubMed)
- M.E. Rettmann, M.A. Kraut, J.L. Prince, and S.M. Resnick, "Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses of Anatomical Sulcal Changes Associated with Aging", Cerebral Cortex, 16(11):1584-1594, November 2006. (doi)
- D. Tosun, M.E. Rettmann, D.Q. Naiman, S.M. Resnick, M.A. Kraut, J.L. Prince, "Cortical Reconstruction Using Implicit Surface Evolution: Accuracy and Precision Analysis", NeuroImage, 29(3):838-852, February 2006. (doi)
- V. Parthasarathy, M. Stone, and J.L. Prince, "Spatiotemporal Visualization of the Tongue Surface using Ultrasound and Kriging (SURFACES)", Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 19(6/7):529-544, September - November 2005. (PubMed)
- L. Pan, J.L. Prince, J.A.C. Lima, and N.F. Osman, "Fast Tracking of Cardiac Motion Using 3D-HARP", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52(8):1425-1435, August, 2005. (doi) (PubMed)
- M.E. Rettmann, D. Tosun, X. Tao, S.M. Resnick, and J.L. Prince, "Program for the Assisted Labeling of Sulcal Regions (PALS): Description and Reliability", NeuroImage, 24(2):398–416, 15 January 2005. (doi)
- J. Garot, J.A. Lima, B.L. Gerber, S. Sampath, K.C. Wu, D.A. Bluemke, J.L. Prince, N.F. Osman, "Spatially resolved imaging of myocardial function with strain-encoded MR: comparison with delayed contrast-enhanced MR imaging after myocardial infarction", Radiology, 233(2):596-602, November 2004. (doi)
- X. Han, D.L. Pham, D. Tosun, M.E. Rettmann, C. Xu, and J. L. Prince, "CRUISE: Cortical Reconstruction Using Implicit Surface Evolution", NeuroImage, 23(3):997–1012, November 2004. (doi)
- D. Tosun, M.E. Rettmann, X. Han, X. Tao, C. Xu, S.M. Resnick, D. Pham, and J.L. Prince, "Cortical Surface Segmentation and Mapping", NeuroImage, 23:S108–S118, 2004. (doi) (PubMed)
- D. Tosun and J.L. Prince, "Mapping Techniques for Aligning Sulci Across Multiple Brains", Medical Imaging Analysis, 8:295–309, 2004. (doi)
- N.F. Osman and J.L. Prince, "Regenerating MR Tagged Images Using Harmonic Phase (HARP) Methods", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 51(8):1428–1433, 2004. (doi) (PubMed)
- A. Yezzi and J.L. Prince, "An Eulerian PDE Approach for Computing Tissue Thickness", IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 22(10):1332–1339, October 2003. (doi) (PubMed)
- M. NessAiver and J.L. Prince, "Magnitude Image CSPAMM Reconstruction (MICSR)", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 50(2):331–342, August 2003. (doi)
- S. Sampath, J.A. Derbyshire, E. Atalar, N.F. Osman, and J.L. Prince, "Real-Time Imaging of Two-dimensional Cardiac Strain Using a Harmonic Phase Magnetic Resonance Imaging (HARP-MRI) Pulse Sequence", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 50(1):154–163, July 2003. (doi) (PubMed)
- X. Han, C. Xu, and J.L. Prince, "A topology preserving level set method for geometric deformable models", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, 25(6):755-768, June 2003. (doi)
- D.L. Kraitchman, S. Sampath, E. Castillo, J.A. Derbyshire, D.A. Bluemke, B.L. Gerber, J.L. Prince, N.F. Osman, "Quantitative Ischemia Detection During Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Stress Testing Using Real-time FastHARP", Circulation, 107(15):2025-2030, 22 April 2003. (doi)
- W.S. Kerwin and J.L. Prince, "Kriging Filters for Space Time Interpolation", Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, 124:139-193, November 2002.
- X. Tao, J.L. Prince, and C. Davatzikos, "Using Statistical Shape Model to Extract Sulcal Curves on the Outer Cortex of the Human Brain", IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 21(5):513-524, October 2002. (doi) (PubMed)
- X. Han, C. Xu, U. Braga-Neto, and J.L. Prince, "Topology correction in brain cortex segmentation using a multiscale, graph-based algorithm", IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 21(2):109-121, February 2002. (doi) (PubMed)
- M.E. Rettman, X. Han, and J.L. Prince, "Automated Sulcal Segmentation Using Watersheds on the Cortical Surface", NeuroImage, 15(2):329-344, February 1, 2002. (doi) (PubMed)
- N.F. Osman, S. Sampath, E. Atalar, and J.L. Prince, "Imaging longitudinal cardiac strain on short-axis images using strain-encoded MRI", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 46(2):324-334, 2001. (doi) (PubMed)
- J. Garot, D.A. Bluemke, N.F. Osman, C.E. Rochitte, E.A. Zerhouni, J.L. Prince, and J.C. Lima, "Transmural Contractile Reserve After Reperfused Myocardial Infarction in Dogs", Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 36(7):2339-2346, 2000.
- W.S. Kerwin and J.L. Prince, "On the Optimality of Recursive Unbiased State Estimation with Unknown Inputs", Automatica, 36(9):1381-1383, September 2000.
- N.F. Osman and J.L. Prince, "Visualizing Myocardial Function Using HARP MRI", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45(6):1665-1682, June 2000. (doi) (PubMed)
- N.F. Osman, E.R. McVeigh, and J.L. Prince, "Imaging Heart Motion Using Harmonic Phase (MRI)", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 19(3):186-202, March 2000. (doi) (PubMed)
- J. Garot, D.A. Bluemke, N.F. Osman, C.E. Rochitte, E.R. McVeigh, E.A. Zerhouni, J.L. Prince, and J.A. Lima, "Fast Determination of Regional Myocardial Strain Fields from Tagged Cardiac Images Using Harmonic Phase (HARP) MRI", Circulation, 101(9):981-988, Mar 7, 2000. (PubMed)
- W.S. Kerwin and J.L. Prince, "A k-space Analysis of MR Tagging", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 142(2):313-322, 2000. (doi)
- J.L. Prince, S.N. Gupta, and N.F. Osman, "Bandpass Optical Flow For Tagged MRI", Medical Physics, 27(1):108-118, January 2000.
- N. F. Osman, W. S. Kerwin, E. R. McVeigh, and J.L. Prince, "Cardiac Motion Tracking Using CINE Harmonic Phase (HARP) Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 42:1048-1060, 1999.
- D.L. Pham and J.L. Prince, "Adaptive Fuzzy Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images", IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 18(9):737-752, September 1999.
- W. S. Kerwin and J.L. Prince, "The Kriging Update Model and Recursive Space-Time Function Estimation", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 47(11):2942-2952, November 1999.
- C. Xu, D. L. Pham, M.E. Rettmann, D. N. Yu, and J.L. Prince, "Reconstruction of the human cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance imagesjournal=IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging", 18(6):467-480, June 1999.
- W.S. Kerwin and J.L. Prince, "Tracking MR tag surfaces using a spatio-temporal filter and interpolator", Int'l Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 10:128-142, 1999.
- D.L. Pham and J.L. Prince, "An Adaptive Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneities", Pattern Recognition Letters, 20(1):57-68, 15 January, 1999.
- C.A. Davatzikos and J.L. Prince, "Convexity Analysis of Active Contour Algorithms", Image and Vision Computing, 17(1):27-36, January 1999.
- W. Kerwin and J.L. Prince, "Cardiac Material Markers from Tagged MR Images", Medical Image Analysis, 2(4):339-353, 1998.
- C. Xu and J.L. Prince, "Generalized Gradient Vector Flow External Forces for Active Contours", Signal Processing, 71(2):131-139, December 1998.
- C. Xu and J.L. Prince, "Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 7(3):359-369, March 1998.
- N. Osman and J.L. Prince, "3-D Vector Tomography on Bounded Domains", Inverse Problems, 14:185-196, 1998.
- D.L. Pham, J.L. Prince, A.P. Dagher, and C. Xu, "An Automated Technique for Statistical Characterization of Brain Tissues in Magnetic Resonance Imaging", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 11(8):1189-1211, December 1997.
- J.M. Links, J.L. Prince, and S.N. Gupta, "A Vector Wiener Filter for Dual-Radionuclide Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 15(5):700-709, 1996.
- J.L. Prince, "Convolution Backprojection Formulas for 3-D Vector Tomography with Application to MRI", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 5(10):1462-1472, 1996.
- C.A. Davatzikos, J.L. Prince, and R.N. Bryan, "Image Registration Based on Boundary Mappingjournal=IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging", 15(1):112-115, February 1996.
- S.N. Gupta, and J.L. Prince, "Stochastic Models for DIV-CURL Optical Flow Methods", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 3(2):32-34, February 1996.
- C.A. Davatzikos, M. Vaillant, S. Resnick, J.L. Prince, S. Letovsky, and R.N. Bryan, "A Computerized Approach for Morphological Analysis of the Corpus Callosum", Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 20(1):88-97, January 1996.
- T.S. Denney Jr. and J.L. Prince, "Reconstruction of 3D Left Ventricular Motion From Planar Tagged Cardiac MR Images: An Estimation Theoretic Approach", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 4(4):625-635, December 1995.
- J.L. Prince, Q. Tan, and D. Pham, "Optimization of MR Pulse Sequences for Bayesian Image Segmentation", Medical Physics, 22(10):1651-1656, October 1995.
- T.S. Denney, Jr., and J.L. Prince, "A Frequency Domain Performance Analysis of Horn and Schunck's Optical Flow Algorithm for Deformable Motion", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, September 1995.
- C.A. Davatzikos and J.L. Prince, "An Active Contour Model for Mapping the Cortex", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 14(1):65-80, March 1995.
- J.L. Prince, "Tomographic Reconstruction of 3-D Vector Fields Using Inner Product Probesjournal=IEEE Transactions on Image Processing", 3(2):216-219, March 1994.
- T.S. Denney, Jr. and J.L. Prince, "Optimal Brightness Functions for Optical Flow Estimation of Deformable Motion", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 3(2):178-191, March 1994.
- M.A. Guttman, J.L. Prince, and E.R. McVeigh, "Tag and Contour Detection in Tagged MR Images of the Left Ventricle", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 13(1):74-88, March 1994.
- J.L. Prince and A.S. Willsky, "Hierarchical Reconstruction Using Geometry and Sinogram Restorationjournal=IEEE Transactions on Image Processing", 2(3):401-416, July 1993.
- H.W. Muller-Gartner, J.M. Links, J.L. Prince, R.N. Bryan, E.R. McVeigh, J.P.Leal, C. Davatzikos, J.J. Frost, "Measurement of Tracer Concentration in Brain Gray Matter Using Positron Emission Tomography: MRI-Based Correction for Partial Volume Effects", J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 12(4):571-583, 1992.
- J.L. Prince and E.R. McVeigh, "Motion Estimation From Tagged MR Image Sequences", IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 11(2):238-249, June 1992.
- J.L. Prince and A.S. Willsky, "Convex Set Reconstruction Using Prior Shape Information", CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, 53(5):413-427, September 1991.
- J.L. Prince and A.S. Willsky, "Constrained Sinogram Restoration for Limited-Angle Tomography", Optical Engineering, 29:534-544, May 1990.
- J.L. Prince and A.S. Willsky, "Reconstructing Convex Shapes from Support Line Measurements", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(4):377-389, April 1990.
- J.L. Prince and A.S. Willsky, "A Geometric Projection-Space Reconstruction Algorithm", Linear Algebra and its Applications, 130:151-191, March 1990.