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Maria Ayad
I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Image Analysis and Communications Laboratory at the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. I work under the supervision of Dr. Jerry Prince and Dr. Gabor Fichtinger. My research interests are mainly in the fields of medical Imaging and computer vision.
Contact Information
Johns Hopkins University
Clark Hall 204
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
- B. Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Cairo University, Distinction with Honors Degree, July 2001.
- M.S.E. in Computer Science – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, December 2008
Awards and Honors
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (2008-2011)
- Abel Wolman Fellowship (2006-2007)
- Uosilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society (2010)
- SPIE (The Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineering) Medical Imaging Conference Finalist for Best Student Paper Award in Visualization, Image-guided Procedures, and Modeling (February 2009)
- SPIE (The Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineering) Travel Award Grant (February 2009)
- Governmental Award for Excellent Graduates and Selection for an IT 9-month Diploma (sponsored by the Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC)) (2001-2002).
- Graduation with Honors Degree (2001).
- M. S. Ayad, J. Lee, A. Deguet, E. C. Burdette, and J. L. Prince, "C-arm pose estimation using a set of coplanar ellipses in correspondence", Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2010), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 14 - 17, 2010.
- M.S. Ayad, J. Lee, J.L. Prince, and G. Fichtinger, "Prostate brachytherapy seed localization using a mobile c-arm without tracking", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE-MI 2009), Orlando, FL, February, 2009. (doi) (PubMed) (PMCID 2801145)
- E. M. Boctor, N. Deshmukh, M. S. Ayad, C. Clarke, K. Dickie, M. A. Choti, and E. C. Burdette, "Three-dimensional heat-induced echo-strain imaging for monitoring high-intensity acoustic ablation", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE-MI 2009), Orlando, FL, February, 2009.